The company has been engaged with the issues of waste incineration for almost twenty years. It was the first company nationally to go ahead with incineration in a rotary furnace, which provides the best preconditions of the heat mode optimising and reaches the highest possible degree of burn up of the combustible fraction of the waste. For this reason, the installation is highly universal but the capital expenditure demands are higher.
Therefore, a process based on chamber or muffle furnaces that meet the demanding requirements stipulated by currently effective standards of incineration of specific determined groups of wastes while the investments demands are lower. The proper incinerating unit is an installation of advanced technical qualities that presents a broad collection of modern knowledge of materials, incineration process and its control.
Heat extraction and utilisation thereof and flue gas cleaning in particular present a separate and comprehensive group of issues. This part of the process equipment is designed completely separately and the options available are mostly dry or wet cleaning or combination of both. Separate and state-of-the art issues are those related to the dioxin filter.
All the critical apparatuses of incineration lines representing currently the standard of design are made nationally, while the system of measurement and control is constructed of important components. Thus the combination provides for a high level of installation and reliability of the system while the investment costs remain low.